Storm & Hurricane Debris Clean Up & Removal

Mints Junk Removal is a family-owned business that is based in Fort Myers, Florida. We have served the community of Fort Myers and surrounding counties for nearly two decades.

No Job Too Big – No Job Too Small

Storms and natural disasters are a common and increasing occurrence in the South Florida area.

Don’t be caught unprepared. Make plans for your next steps if the worse happens. Mints provides clean up and debris removal after a storm.

We handle the debris cause by a storms including pool enclosure, roofing materials, building components and fixtures and more. We also handle vegetation debris including trees, palms and foliage clean up and removal.

Yard Waste Hauling and Disposal

Mints handles the yard waste of gardening and land improvements. Are you taking down trees, palms and foliage? We can clean up and dispose of materials in bulk.

Contact Mints to conveniently get the debris cleaned up and off the property.

Storm Debris - Hurricane Debris Removal | Mints

Schedule A Service or Pickup

239-601-2753     Contact Us On-Line